Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In 1987, Vision 2000 was formed by the Cape Girardeau City Council to develop a strategic plan to lead Cape Girardeau into the year 2000. The plan was based on needs and aspirations of our fellow community members. The areas of community spirit, planning and zoning, business-industry jobs and education were designated as vision statements with associated goals, objectives and strategies to success. Through a concerted effort of numerous citizens, these goals have become realities.

As the new millennium quickly approaches, it is time to extend our plan and continue our progress. We, the member of Vision 2000, ask for your participation in the process. The Vision 2020 Planning Committee, consisting of community leaders and interested citizens, will be appointed by the City Council. This committee will be instrumental in developing the new plan for our future. The committee members will seek input to construct a new strategic blueprint to ensure that the future of our community is based on the hopes and dreams of the people of Cape Girardeau.

Please consider serving as a visionary of the planning committee. Applications are available at the city manager's office in City Hall, 401 Independence. We urge you to invest in our future, the future of Cape Girardeau.

KATHY SWAN, Chairman

Vision 2000

Cape Girardeau