Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Our neighbors to the south lost two outstanding public servants in the recent election. Betty Hearnes and Joe Heckemeyer have done exemplary work.

Betty has a lifetime of accomplishment and was a one-woman army working with Governor Carnahan to bring a prison to Charleston. She accomplished this as an ordinary citizen, not as an elected official. Hundreds of families in East Prairie, New Madrid and Charleston will recover from the loss of the shoe factory several years ago with the advent of these new, good jobs which include health and retirement benefits.

Joe secured projects for the Sikeston area by means of his quiet, gentlemanly style. Working with Governor Carnahan, Joe is most responsible for the new Southeast Missouri State University Sikeston Area Higher Education Center. Through his efforts, thousands of people will get a second chance as they train and retrain for the more technical jobs that are prevalent in today's world.

Betty Hearnes and Joe Heckemeyer are shining examples of why many people consider public service the highest calling.


Cape Girardeau