Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Do you feel as I do that this is a sad time for our country as we watch the events unfolding in Washington, D.C., of the president being investigated for sexual improprieties and then lying to cover it up and obstructing justice? To me, it is just as sad that the president has lived in this immoral way that he has, and the majority of the people in this country have not condemned his behavior and are saying he has done a good job.

The moral decline in this country has been increasing each year as we see millions of couples living together who are not married and a great percentage of children born to single mothers. We see crime and the use of illegal drugs increasing. The president could have been a role model to raise the moral climate of our country. Instead, he has been a role model for young people to watch and then think they can get by with whatever they want to do.

I have seen some good news in the midst of all this bad news. I read the results of a survey that shows moral concerns are at the top of the list of things people are thinking about and are concerned about. Could it be that the morals of our country have sunk so low that people are getting sick and tired of the way things are going? Could people be wanting a spiritual awakening? God created us as spiritual beings with a conscience to tell us what is right and what is wrong. People have been living as if no one knows what is right and what is wrong.

And I just read some more good news that a college student in Southwest Missouri has just opened a Center for Character Education. This is a college without coed dorms and where drug use and drinking are grounds for expulsion. There are some more colleges across this country where character is taught. Maybe we will see and increase along this line. Maybe people are hungry for absolutes.

