Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

If I were to live a thousand years, I would still be amazed by the Creator's artistic ability which is beheld in autumn. Against the background of the deep blue sky, peppered with soft white cloud puff being moved by the wind, a transformation gives new expression to the trees once so green.

Ever so slowly, yet constantly changing, the green-colored leaves become coated with shades of red and gold. Only the Creator knows how. At the height of their beauty and with the help of the wind, the colorful leaves are dispersed to be observed even more clearly by man and child alike.

For a while the fallen leaves provide protection for the soil and the insects. Thus it is only fitting that after such a spectacular event that cleanup time should occur. As with Christmas presents unwrapped, there is paper to gather. So are there leaves that must be raked.


Cape Girardeau