Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

As adults, we recognize that from time to time we are presented with certain defining moments, times at which we are presented with decisions that will chose which path we take. I believe one such defining moment for the community of Chaffee occurred on Oct. 13 as three member ministers met for a Chaffee Ministerial Alliance meeting.

At that meeting, the Rev. Nancy Woods of the First United Methodist Church was asked to remove herself as the speaker for the community Thanksgiving service to be held at the First Baptist Church. The concern expressed by the Baptist minister was for the potential problems that a woman speaking from the pulpit at that church would cause within the church or the association. I suppose the minister feared similar sanctions that were lodged against the church in Cape Girardeau for allowing women deacons.

The outcome of the meeting is that Woods will no speak at the community Thanksgiving service. This defining moment may have jeopardized over 10 years of ministerial cooperation that our community has enjoyed. This defining moment has the potential to disrupt the many ecumenical activities our community churches sponsor.

On the other hand, it may not. If we realize that this is our community and, religious disciplines aside, we truly seek a united community, we can move past this moment without it being defining. We must let our religious leaders know what we expect from them when it comes to community cooperation. If it is truly the opinion of some Christians that a woman, or a member from another denomination, is not welcome in the pulpit of another church, then this truly is defining for our community of faith.

