Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

On behalf of the Cape Girardeau Police Department, I would like to commend the staff of the Southeast Missourian on the excellent series of articles focusing on the dangers of methamphetamine. I would also like to convey our appreciation for your sponsorship of the "Life or Meth" forum, which was very well attended by students, family members and community leaders.

As we in law enforcement continue to address community crime problems, we believe community education is perhaps our most significant key to success. To this end, the Southeast Missourian has provided the Cape Girardeau community with a tool to be used by all citizens in fighting the serious problems associated with methamphetamine. As a community service, the Cape Girardeau Police Department will, upon request, provide presentations on methamphetamine for civic groups, businesses or interested agencies. This presentation may be requested by calling the Cape Girardeau Crime Prevention Office.

Our struggle with the methamphetamine problem in Southeast Missouri is far from over. However, as a result of the methamphetamine series, our community is better prepared and informed to deal with this dangerous and perplexing drug.

RICHARD L. HETZEL, Chief of Police

Cape Girardeau