Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Saturday I had the privilege of shoveling dirt with a group of teen-agers, members of the Beta Club at Central High School. These young people had given up their Saturday to work at the Habitat for Humanity construction site. Our job was not a glamorous one. We had to take dirt from one site and place it around the foundation of the house that is under construction. Another group from this organization worked inside preparing the drywall for painting. I was impressed with the seriousness and hard work shown by these teen-agers. They were giving back something to the community.

Besides the students, there were adults who volunteer their time and expertise to bring this project to fruition. They are also to be commended.

I just wanted to echo the sentiments of a previous writer who stated that so often we hear only negative comments about teen-agers and don't realize how often they contribute in positive ways to our community.


Cape Girardeau