Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

A few weeks ago there was a letter in the paper that was a reprint of a letter from a little girl to the Chicago Sun newspaper. The little girl asked her father if there really was a Santa Claus, and her father told her that if she saw an article in the paper about Santa Claus, then it must be true. So she wrote to the newspaper, and the newspaper answered.

In today's society, the question might better be asked: Is there really a God? In years past, God was welcomed in our schools and our businesses and in all of our public buildings. Now children are not allowed to mention his name in class or display any kind of religious symbol in school. Some businesses, both public and private, won't allow the wearing of crosses or other symbols of Christianity or other religious beliefs on their property.

My, Virginia, how it must grieve the heart of God to be so left out of men's daily lives. There are those who say there is no God and it's all a big hoax. While God cannot be found anywhere, he is everywhere you look. He is in the stars that twinkle in the heavens at night. He is moving across the water out in the middle of the ocean on a calm summer's night. He is on the majestic, snow-capped mountains that his hand has created.

But mostly, Virginia, he is in the hearts of men and can be seen by the love that we have for our fellow man. He gives to the homeless and the needy and the hungry through men that he has touched and given the skill to heal, such as doctors and clergymen. He has given us love through Godly mothers and fathers and grandparents who love their children. He shows himself in men who are willing to help those in need, and he even shows himself in times of war on the battlefield when men sacrifice their lives for their comrades.

Virginia, how great a country this would be if we all would let God's spirit into our lives and live as he would have us live.

As Christmas approaches, we need to remind ourselves that God came to earth 2,000 years ago to die for our sins and to leave with us his spirit that we too may live as God intended for us to live. We cannot and must not every try to force others to believe in God or to worship him, but we can and we must pray that God will touch the hearts of every many throughout all nations and bring peace and joy and goodwill to all men.

Then everyone will say in a resounding chorus, Yes, Virginia, there really is a God.


Cape Girardeau