Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

I was shocked and so disappointed in the front page picture and article of the senior in high school holding her five-month old baby. I can not see how the paper can glorify this kind of behavior by putting the story on the front page with a large picture.

Certainly it was an accomplishment for this young woman to continue her education after motherhood. However, this was a mistake she made that could have been avoided and should not have been given the spotlight.

There are students who come from broken homes, have physical and mental handicaps and other disabilities that graduate from high school with little or no fanfare and are certainly deserving of the recognition.

In the wake of the shootings at Littleton and the discussions about teaching our children right from wrong this picture and article was in very poor taste.

I have two children in college and I expect them to make mistakes- that is part of growing up, but I only hope that the mistakes my children make as they grow up don't become front page news!

I regret that I am considering cancellation of the Missourian and I am encouraging others to do the same.

Lee Watson

Cape Girardeau