Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

If you favor good schools, good education and the best facilities for your children, you need to get involved right now.

The Jackson School District needs to keep trying until this bond issue is passed. There is nothing wrong with trying if you think you're right. Some have said this proposition was defeated soundly in August. That's simply not true. The proposition for the junior high school received 55 percent of the votes. If Mr. Gore or Mr. Bush gets 55 percent, the national news media and Dan Rather will tell you that the candidate won by a landslide and has been given a huge mandate to govern. Only in a school bond issue is 55 percent of the vote considered a defeat.

If you think property taxes are not tied to the local school system, you are wrong. Ask any Realtor if a piece of property is more valuable because it is located in the Jackson School District. Most people living in Jackson, no matter what their opinion of the school bond issue, would certainly believe their property is more valuable because it is in Jackson rather than an outlying district. Jackson is far from the richest school system. If you compare St. Louis County, Chesterfield, Farmington and come other district, you will find that our teachers are paid less and our taxes are less.

Our school board members represent a fine cross-section of our community: a farmer, two housewives, a doctor, a pharmacist, a businessman and a laborer. All are first-class, outstanding people who are charged with the responsibility of taking care of our kids. Hard and tough decisions must be made, and this board is well-qualified to make them. The board listened intently to a large number of people at the last open meeting. Ideas were bantered about, and the conclusion was that we need to take a smaller bite. At the start of the meeting, most people were against the bond issue's being placed back on the ballot. At the end of the meeting, about 85 percent of those in attendance stated they would be more than happy to support the issue.

The citizens of Jackson need to get involved, because your children come first and are your top priority. If you have a $100,000 house, you would pay approximately $20 a year more in taxes. This relates to about four meal deals at a fast-food restaurant. If you have a $100,000 house and the property values go down 10 percent, that's $10,000 that you would lose.

There are certain people who will do anything for their own personal gain and glorification. If they are allowed to get control of our school system, it will be the children who suffer. If you truly believe in our fine school board and the school system, get involved and help us keep the Jackson district one of the best.


Jackson, Mo.