Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In case no one noticed, there was another political party holding its convention over the Independence Day holiday weekend. This event was televised from opening to close on C-SPAN, though it was hardly mentioned, if at all, by the major networks. This party is generally ignored by media representatives, both national and local, when discussing the presidential election even though smaller and less-organized parties always get mentioned.

It should not be a stretch to expect media people who make a living by shaping the news to at least mention the fact that the convention took place or at least have the honor to publicly acknowledge and accordingly label your biases.

Before I name the party in question, a few facts: This will be the only third party in existence to have attained ballot access for its presidential nominee in all 50 states for the third straight time. This party refuses to accept any federal matching funds to run its campaign or convention. This party is a true grassroots movement of individuals.

If you recognize the Libertarian Party, as Walter Williams would say, go to the head of the class.

Basically, Libertarians believe that all individuals should enjoy the freedom to do as we please as long as we do so in a peaceful and honest manner. Libertarians believe individuals have rights as opposed to group rights, and the proper role of government is to recognize and protect those rights, not grant them to us in exchange for votes and tax money. Libertarians also believe that individuals should be held individually responsible for their dishonest or harmful actions.

If any of these thoughts intrigue or provoke you, I invite you to check out the Libertarian Party for a true third-party option. Try "The World's Smallest Political Quiz" at www.lp.org. You might be surprised at the results. If you really want to send a message to the established two major parties to quit wasting our time and money, to quit dividing us by making us afraid of each other and to quit harassing us in our private lives, then by all means do not be afraid to vote Libertarian whenever you have the opportunity.


Jackson, Mo.