Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Male chauvinists may not have an opinion of whether young Elian stays in the United States or returns to Cuba. However, through clever role reversal, the Elian saga can be use as an example of prejudice and oppression toward adult males.

What if Elian's father, instead of his mother, would have died trying to get his son to Florida? The unsuspecting ex-wife in Cuba would be the one on TV crying for her son's return. The dead dad's family in Florida would have Elian. Furthermore, they would be saying bad things about the kid's mother back in Cuba.

Mothers everywhere would demand Elian's return to his beloved mother. Reality check: The poor dad probably can't even get on "Oprah," but the female cousins can. The Florida relatives' book on Elian will be out by Christmas.

American male chauvinists probably don't like commies, but they can relate to Elian's dad.


Scott City