Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the Editor:

As a group, we must express our disagreement with part of your April 3 editorial position on Highway 34. We strongly disagree with your support of the Missouri Department of Transportation's position that a major upgrading isn't justified for this highway.

As you are well aware, Cape Girardeau is the regional center for education, health care, employment opportunities and retail trade for most, if not all, of Southeast Missouri. In today's world of low unemployment and concerns about access to health care and higher education, it is imperative for Cape Girardeau to continue its leadership role by constantly pursuing better, safer and more direct (time-saving) access to our city and its opportunities. Highway 34, in its current state, is dangerous for all and a terrible waste of time for most who choose to travel it. The congestion is terrible and could be even worse if not for the fact that almost half of those traveling east from Bollinger and Wayne counties choose to use alternate routes.

For several years, it has been a top priority for our committee to continue efforts to secure a four-lane east-west highway through Cape Girardeau. We firmly believe in this cause as one that provides great opportunities and necessities for our neighbors to the west and east.

To base this decision on "current traffic" fails to recognize the importance of safety and access to thousands who choose not to take their chances now. We can only be thankful that those designing and building the interstate system, the airlines and the Internet didn't base their decisions on "current traffic."



Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee

Cape Girardeau