Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Cape Girardeau County is a thriving and prosperous county as far as counties go in Missouri. There are many businesses, shops, stores and some key industries that operate within the boundaries of the county. These businesses were begun without any interference from either local towns or the cities of Cape Girardeau or Jackson.

There are some city officials and local businesses that want a piece of this thriving community that they have no control over. They propose orderly expansion of residential, business and industrial development in our rural community. This may sound all well and good, but it also sounds very restrictive. Personally, I would not want a concrete plant moving in next to me. However, I would not restrict someone else's right to free enterprise.

Freedom from tyranny is why the American Revolution was fought. Greed is a form of tyranny when government exceeds its boundaries.

Taxes would not only affect the county but also the cities. To expand on taxes, planning and zoning would have to have more funding more funding for P&Z projects and more funding to hire more officials. Any city that taxes its pets must also tax any animals within its jurisdiction, and you can bet the county would be next.

The United States was not founded to propose more restrictions. The United States was founded because of restrictions.


Cape Girardeau