Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Just a note to express my displeasure at what has been going on with the issue on land covenants.

I have learned that even the farmers are trying to get zoning laws to keep out trailer trash. To an extent, this is understandable. Please do me one favor. Do not put all trailer owners in the same category. My wife and I work very hard to make a decent living for us and our son. We love to do yard work, have a small garden and landscape our own property. But as of now we have only been able to do it for a trailer park due to the lack of land available for a trailer owner. I wish dearly we were able to put up a $90,000 or even a $150,000 home, but we cannot afford this luxury.

Aren't we getting dangerously close to discriminating against someone for nothing more than a desire to purchase within our means? For what it costs for a lot in a trailer park, a person can purchase a piece of land. I understand the stigma of trailer trash and the idea of value loss to those who have nice homes. But it is difficult or impossible to find land that has no such homes and does not have covenants.

If you truly are seeking the best prospects for your land, try to use the idea of long ago: Check out your prospective buyers to see if they are the kind of people you would like to sell your property to.

Let us all remember that we, as a society, were wrong to discriminate against women, African Americans, Hispanics, Orientals, the poor and people of religious beliefs. Please don't open up our society to another area of discrimination.

