Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

On April 4 Jackson School District patrons are not voting for or against better schools. We will not be voting for or against educating our children. We are not even voting whether or not the current school board is good or bad.

What we will be voting on is one proposed option for expansion and one proposed tax levy Increase of 40 cents.

If one or both of these proposed issues are voted down, the next step is simple. Beginning April 5, the school administration and the school board will work with all the patrons of the school district in Shawneetown, Pocahontas, Gordonville, Burfordville, Millersville, Fruitland and Jackson. We will consider all options concerning expansion and taxes based on the fact that not only is our community growing, but small schoolchildren become big schoolchildren too.

Then in November we will vote on proposals that were conceived by all of us.

The world nor Jackson will cease to exist if we need to wait seven months for better proposals based on the short- and long-term needs of our school district.

