Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

My heart swelled with pride as I read Miki Gudermuth's comments about Nancy Jernigan in her recent letter. With her work schedule as the executive director of the Area Wide United Way, one might wonder how Nancy could possibly have any time or energy left for anything else.

I'm here to tell you she does, and she manages it quite well, thank you. As proud as many of us are of her professional accomplishments, there's another, less public side to Nancy's life. Besides the countless hours spent at the office plus speaking engagements and various committee meetings, Nancy also is a devoted wife, mother of three and daughter. Throw in soccer mom, active Boy Scouts parent and church youth leader too.

Her private life is one with which I am intimately familiar. I'm the lucky guy Nancy picked for her husband. I know how hard she works to balance her work and home life, like all the other working mothers out there, and I just wanted to let her know how much I appreciate it. You're the best, Honey. Also, this just happens to be a special day for Nancy. Happy birthday.


Cape Girardeau