Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The liberals and the liberal agenda have not won the hearts and minds and souls of the public. The people in general do not want bigger government to care for them. Bigger in this case is not better. A woman does not have a right to have an abortion. The unborn child is a separate, sacred human life. The universal law of all religions and civilized culture is unmistakably "Thou shalt not kill." Moral values must have a prominent place in society and in political choices. It is not true that a large part of our society doesn't worship any god. The United States, according to a recent survey, had the highest percentage of people who believe in a higher being of any civilized nation in the world. Not everything that a person does in his private life is his or her business. Everyone is accountable to God for his or her actions. There's no escaping this fact. History proves that liberalism does not do away with racist and unfair practices. Liberalism does not rule. Neither does socialism. We still have many true-blue Americans who use good common sense in their dealings with their fellow citizens and, at the same time, hold faithfully to their religious and political convictions.

