Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Hearing the church chimes often throughout the day means a lot to me. I am very sensitive to sound and have much appreciated the sense of peace and safety that the chimes bring to the community. Being bombarded by sirens from emergency and law-enforcement vehicles cause a much different reaction in me, as does the random rumble of loud music from passing vehicles and barking dogs. Thankfully the sounds of sirens and loud music do not happen that often in Advance. I hope the public will share my opinion that our lives are enhanced and we have reinforced the good by the chimes coming at regular predictable times in the day. This regularity can be a source of order and stability much needed by communities these days. Also what a positive memory they will be for our children. The chimes are a gift to all to be cherished.

The one set of sounds represent pain, chaos and rebellion, but the chimes represent peace, unity, stability and a God who is merciful and kind beyond measure.


Advance, Mo.