Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I hear an occasional negative comment about the upcoming, much-needed, increased tax levy to help our schools.

No one -- including myself, a 77-year-old senior citizen -- likes to pay taxes.

But when you look at the facts, not only is it the right thing to do, it is the necessary thing to do for the future of our children and grandchildren.

You could put hundreds of thousands of dollars in a race car, but without a qualified, competent, thinking driver, you won't win a race. Our teachers are our drivers.

How can we expect to keep, let alone attract, good, qualified, top-notch teachers if we don't compensate them fairly for putting out their best effort?

No one will deny the world is becoming a high-tech, competitive environment that requires a good education and training to qualify for good-paying jobs.

The money to compete with surrounding school districts won't come from the state. Here's one reason why: hold harmless.

In 1993, a circuit court judge declared Missouri's school-finance system unconstitutional because it did not equally distribute state funding. After exploring dozens of formulas, the governor and legislature came up with a hold-harmless formula. Schools with a stronger tax base would get a smaller percentage of state aid per student. The chart shows examples of dollars per student received from the state for nearby school districts.

With this obvious inequity and shortfall, Cape Girardeau schools must get their funds locally.

There is no question our schools are faced with increased operating costs: maintenance, supplies, utilities the list is endless.

That doesn't change the fact that unless we treat teachers fairly, the ones who will suffer for years to come will be the children. Unless Cape schools are competitive with other districts, why shouldn't good teachers go elsewhere for more money for their families?

Is this the legacy we want to leave for our children? For want of a few dollars a year, we sentence them to teacher turnover.

This vote will complete the school picture: good facilities, good curriculum for learning, good teachers and staff.

No one likes to beg, but when you go to information sources, examine the facts. It's time to plead with the voters to look at the facts. And please take the time to vote yes on Tuesday.


Cape Girardeau