Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

This letter is regarding Jackson's proposed water line from Highway 25 to Route PP crossing land that isn't within the city limits. There are five pieces of land involved, with no landowners in favor.

The first inkling of this project was last June 24 when a surveyor stopped at my sister's and asked for the best way to get to a field. We learned it was our field. None of the landowners had been contacted prior to this.

My aunt received a letter dated Nov. 2 requesting that she sign the enclosed deed to turn over her property for an easement for $1. Only two landowners received the letter.

Why is Jackson suddenly taking action to improve water pressure? Pressure was low in 1976. Why do aldermen feel we should want in the city? How would it benefit us? The city administrator said it would make our land worth more. Why is that a benefit if we don't plan to sell?

Why is the city turning down the offer of a developer to build the water line and turn it over to the city for free in return for putting his subdivision on the water line? The city may not owe us an explanation, but city residents should want to know. Would they turn away a gift built to city specifications and within a couple of hundred feet of the proposed line?


Jackson, Mo.