Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I think school violence is a tragedy not only to the students and their families that have been directly impacted, but also our society as a whole. Where have our values for life gone? When did a bunch of teen-agers decide it was OK to be armed and dangerous at school? Have our youths gone completely mad? Do they not want to see their own futures unravel? These are very tough questions that we as educators, parents and role models must start addressing. Although my time on this earth is limited, I treasure every day I have been given.

I do not believe there is one answer to our youths' lack of appreciation for life. However, I propose that our educators start looking at the curriculum we our educating our youth with. Shouldn't elementary school-age children be exposed to challenging classes? How about this one? Life Appreciation 101: You bring in people who have cheated death and are still walking, people who have escaped death and were not so lucky, people who are terminally ill and people who will be in prison for the rest of their lives. Let these people share their stories, triumphs and hardships. Have the children become involved. Let them ask questions.

Children are believing creatures, if someone shows them life a special gift, they will believe that. My main motivation for writing this was the fear of dying with my music still locked up.


Cape Girardeau