Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I wanted to comment on the recent articles on Baby Dakota, Donna Duncan and Jennifer Schwepker.

I see that Baby Dakota's mother was acquitted. Her fate will stand before a bigger jury someday. I'm saddened yet happy that the sweet 5-month-old baby girl is now in heaven and no longer experiencing the hell she didn't even understand here in her short lifetime. God will take care of her now along with 8-year-old Joseph.

The 12-year-old Schwepker boy, on the other hand, was saved, but his fate will be in the Division of Family Services' hands, along with God's care. I know I'm speaking on more than my behalf, but let everyone pray that DFS will not allow this boy to be returned to his parents. He has faced and been through enough, and now he will have to live with the scars every day of his life.

I'm deeply saddened when I begin to think of these babies. When I hold my own child, it brings tears to my eyes to think how someone could physically and mentally abuse these precious gifts. To all parents out there, I ask that you hug your own children tonight and pray for the little ones that are aching to be loved.


Jackson, Mo.