Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Thank you for your article on Ash Wednesday. I especially appreciated the fact that you acknowledged that Orthodox Christians began Great Lent on this past Monday this year. We use the term Clean Monday to designate the first day of the fast. Instead of the use of ashes, we begin with Forgiveness Vespers and the Rite of Mutual Forgiveness. Like Christians from Western traditions, we follow an ascetic practice during Great Lent. These practices include fasting, more intense and earnest prayer and almsgiving.

I especially appreciate the fact that your reporter did the necessary research to be aware of the difference in calendars between the Orthodox and the Christians from Western traditions. This is especially noteworthy because there are few Orthodox Christians in your circulation area. Many newspapers located in areas where there are more Orthodox Christians act as though all Christians are from Western traditions. Thank you for your fine work.

I currently access the Southeast Missourian online. It is one of the highlights of my day. I am originally from Charleston, Mo. I am a member of Sts. Cyril and Methody Orthodox Church in Granite City, Ill., and I am the outreach coordinator of the Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting.


St. Louis