

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Dear Editor:

I was glad to read the letter by Barbara Popp in your paper a few days ago concerning advertising for NC-17 movies.

NC-17 is the new movie rating issued by the Motion Picture Association of America and applies to movies formerly rated X.

These are porn movies. The new rating, NC-17, is an effort by the mainline Hollywood Studios to make pornographic movies socially acceptable.

These movies are showing up in our video stores under the new rating. Our children are then exposed to these formerly X-rated films in our homes or the homes of their friends. I am asking all parents to check with their local video store and theatre and express your concern. Let them know that you do not want pornography shown and rented in your community under the NC-17 name.

Thank you

Linda Lawrence
