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Dear Editor:

Although this is a very informal letter, it is very important. Having newspapers available to my students has helped me teach a variety of topics.

During the earthquake "scare," our class relied heavily on the Southeast Missourian for accurate information. Several students were rather hysterical about the whole subject, and the newspaper really helped to give us common sense guidelines.

We have also used the newspaper to discuss the Persian Gulf situation. We have learned geography, history, and even managed some math and science from reading about Iraq, Kuwait, etc.

Probably the most valuable use of the paper has been the four or five students who read the paper every day -- the same ones that I had never seen read a book. This experience will definitely help them become better readers and better citizens.

My class and I greatly appreciate having the Southeast Missourian in our classroom.


Sydney Herbst

Fourth Grade Teacher at

Alma Schrader School