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The entire region will benefit from the opening of a U.S. Attorney satellite office in Cape Girardeau. Crime does not limit itself to metropolitan areas. The office brings an intensified federal law enforcement presence to Southeast Missouri. The result should be increased safety for all law-abiding citizens.

Already, the U.S. Attorney's office has demonstrated a new focus on Southeast Missouri especially in the areas of bank fraud and drug trafficking.

The permanent satellite office will allow the U.S. Attorney's office to expand law enforcement efforts in our part of the state. The office will handle the growing number of both civil and criminal cases filed in Cape Girardeau.

The need for the local office is unfortunate, but well documented. U.S. Attorney Steve Higgins said Southeast Missouri has become one of the nation's major areas for growing marijuana. With the current level of drug activity, Higgins feels the office might seize up to $1 million a year in additional assets from those engaged in criminal activity.

Last year, more than 20 felony criminal cases were filed in Cape Girardeau. Those cases ranged from large-scale marijuana cultivation to methamphetamine distribution through a motorcycle gang. There are 50 matters now under investigation in the area.

Official notification of the office came last week, but details will be forthcoming today when Higgins, Rep. Bill Emerson and Sen. Christopher Bond hold a press conference. Both Emerson and Bond, as well as Sen. Jack Danforth, deserve credit for their efforts in promoting the local office. And without Higgins' interest in this area and his leadership in the matter, it's doubtful the local office would have become a reality.

The addition of this office will only enhance the work of the U.S. Marshal Service, the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the newly announced federal magistrate for Cape Girardeau. Currently, there are 18 federal agents assigned to Southeast Missouri including: four FBI agents; four DEA agents; six with Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; two with the IRS; and two with the U.S. Marshal Service.

Local law enforcement has been highly supportive of efforts to secure a U.S. Attorney's office here. Coordinated law enforcement and tough prosecution are needed to stop the flow of illicit drugs, and other crimes in the region. The new U.S. Attorney's office is a visible sign of cooperation at the local, state and federal levels that will benefit us all.