

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

I've had a number of people ask me what is an "ADVERTORIAL"? The answer is that it is a PAID ADVERTISEMENT written in an editorial news style. It is a forum available to anyone and the content (as is all advertising) is controlled by the person who buys the space.

The NEWS GUARDIAN advertorials (which have most lately been written by DON PRITCHARD) were part of the negotiated agreement of that business transaction.

This newspaper not only provides, but feels it most important, to permit other views to be presented to the public. That's why we have "Letters to the Editor"; "Be Our Guest Columns"; "Speak Out", and also news staff and telephone communication available to the public.

My basic criticism of media coverage centers on those who just complain or suggest actions the "MEDIA" should take without using the various forums available to them to seriously discuss issues that merit more information and debate.

For example, the Browning prediction fiasco escalated, not just because the media reported it, but also because those who professionally disagreed with it waited so long to publicly challenge his statements.

Incidentally, as Mr. PRITCHARD knows, (or could easily find out) his comments on our handling of Speak Out (in today's newspaper) are a mistatement of the truth.

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"There are always some areas and people that truth does not reach, zones of silence and undisturbed ignorance."

Author Anonymous

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May you be a mail carrier and have sore feet.

Spanish Gypsy Curse

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When the IRS checks out WILLIE NELSON and his bankruptcy, maybe they'll look into what happened to the millions of dollars allegedly raised for "FARM AID" and funding to such as the American Family Farm group ... (remember WAYNE CRYTS).

The national media seems to be paralyzed when it comes to investigating the financial problems of LIBERALS.

Educate the Educators

Since the mid-1980s, school systems have received more money; students have faced higher graduation requirements; and teachers and administrators have been enlisted to restructure school management. These efforts have largely failed. The most recent National Assessment of Education progress found scant improvement.

The only way out is to embrace a new kind of system. It should give schools the legal authority to design their own programs, grant parents the ability to choose any public school, and fund those schools on the basis of their ability to attract students.

by John E. Chubb,

Brookings Institution,

and Terry M. Moe, professor of

political science,

Stanford University,

New York Times.

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According to Albert Shanker, president of the American Federation of Teachers, there are more school administrators in New York than in all of Western Europe.

Ed Rubenstein,

Manhattan Institute,

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Not that Hungry

Having ordered a pizza, baseball player Yogi Berra was asked whether he would like it cut into four or eight pieces. "Better make it four," said Yogi. "I don't think I can eat eight."

The Little, Brown Book

of Anecdotes,

edited by Clifton Fadiman

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You can't steal second base and keep one foot on first.

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The recently re-issued "better selling" book ... "THE NEXT NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE" was written in 1951 (39 years ago).

I repeat ... according to the sign at Reelfoot Lake resort, (placed in 1985 by the State of Tenn.) earthquakes with the severity of the 1812 earthquake happens about every 600 years (that would be the year 2400). My motor will run out of gas long before that.

Frankly, I find it unfortunate and non-professional that DR. DAVID STEWART, chairman of the Center for Earthquake Studies, is unavailable for comment here in Cape, but is speaking freely and raising doubts to those on the national news media or at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (as reported last week in the Carbondale daily newspaper.)

He was certainly ready, willing, and able to discuss the subject before many in the profession challenged Browning's prediction.

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Happy is he who still loves something he loved in the nursery; he has not been broken in two by time; he is not two men, but one, and he has saved not only his soul but his life.

G. K. Chesterton