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There was cause for celebration recently when the Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church marked its 40th year. In addition to the anniversary milestone, the site of the new Notre Dame Regional High School on the west edge of Cape Girardeau was blessed by Bishop John J. Leibrecht.

For the more than 50,000 Catholics in the geographically large diocese (it goes from the Mississippi River across southern Missouri to Springfield on the west side of the state), the 40th anniversary was a time not only for celebration, but also for reflection. The 39-county diocese has enjoyed steady growth throughout the years, with 64 parishes, 21 missions and two chapels.

And throughout its 40 years, the diocese has had leadership of the highest quality in its five bishops, including two -- William Baum and Bernard Law -- who became the archbishop of Washington, D.C., and the archbishop of Boston and were elevated to cardinal.

People of all faiths can take pride in the strong religious roots of this area. In particular, the diocesan anniversary is a time to salute the many Roman Catholics who strengthen the Christian fabric.