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Five years of planning and $2 million dollars in expenditures has culminated in the opening of the new Shawnee Park Sports Complex.

The first of 15 softball tournaments was held last weekend at the new complex - a great way to usher in the city's newest tourist attraction. The tournaments on tap this year will draw competitors and fans from distant parts of Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and possibly Texas.

Five softball fields are completed, but the city hopes to build three more to attract national tournaments. The fields themselves are impressive with electric scoreboards, water fountains in every dugout and computer-designed lighting.

In addition to softball, the sports complex also has two new soccer fields. The city hopes to build one more field with bleachers for use in championship games.

The opening of the Shawnee Park Sports Complex coincides with the debut of the Osage Centre. Both were planned as part of the same project, and both are now ready for community and tourist use.

The city paid for building the new fields and Osage Centre from city motel and restaurant tax collections. Money for upkeep and improvements will come from user fees.

The sports complex is first-rate and should attract thousands of visitors to town for tournament play. But it's also a great opportunity to advance both softball and soccer play for Cape Girardeau area teams.