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The names were different. The story remained the same.

Jackson's public works and utility employees rejected union representation March 19. The margin was overwhelming: 2-1 against representation by International Brotherhood of Electric Workers Local 702.

The vote underscores the city of Jackson's agreeable relationship with workers. The city prides itself on management that emphasizes open communication and fair treatment of people.

The outcome came as no surprise. In 1996, five union votes ended the same way. Workers voting down representation last year included Dana Corp., Ceramo Co. in Jackson, M&W Packaging north of Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau Community Counseling Center and TCI Cablevision.

Most workers are happy with the direct employee-employer relationships. Workers have also watched the setbacks suffered by many union plants in recent decades, such as the shoe factory closings.

This region already has a strong, and spirited work force without the help of outside labor groups.