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Southeast Missouri State University is also working hard to increase its student base. But a recent progress report showed that the university's goal of 10,300 students by the year 2000 will be tough to reach.

Enrollment this fall stands at 8,234.

But instead of taking a big step backward, the university acknowledged the goal is ambitious and plowed ahead. It is good to see the university didn't back off the numbers. Instead, it put a lot of stretch in the goals and pledged to work harder.

Slowly, but surely, the numbers are increasing.

Southeast is also taking a hard look at student retention. If more students stay year to year, the numbers will automatically rise. For example, about 70 percent of the freshman returned in the fall of 1996 and Southeast would like to see that number much higher. Improving graduation rates is also part of the overall picture.

Overnight success is not realistic for building Southeast's enrollment. But with a good product and motivated recruiters, the university is achieving success in growing student numbers.