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A 40th birthday can be somewhat emotional for people. If you're a program, 40 years of service is downright impressive.

Southeast Missouri State University's nursing program recently marked its 40th year of operations.

Over the years, the program has changed to meet changing technologies and demands. But it continues to graduate top-rate health-care professionals. Today, the department has more than 400 students.

The public is invited to share in the celebration from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday in Rosemary Berkel Crisp Hall of Nursing on campus.

Over the years, the program expanded to include a four-year degree in 1973. A master's program was added in 1993, and a family nurse practitioner track was added in 1995.

Nurses have added responsibilities and expertise over the years. And thanks to the university, well-qualified graduates have helped fill the shortage of much-needed nurses in the region and state.