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In its 24th year, Toybox has become synonymous with Christmas in Cape Girardeau. And while the warmer-than-usual November weather may not make it feel like Christmas is a month away, it is.

With Thanksgiving on Thursday, most people soon will be starting to think about holiday gift buying. Please don't forget to include the children of Toybox on your shopping list.

The joint project of the Cape Girardeau Jaycees and Southeast Missourian provides toys and clothing to needy children, most of whom wouldn't get a thing for Christmas if it weren't for the generosity of those who give to the Toybox campaign.

Jaycees Santas will deliver the gifts you provide to the children on Dec. 21, but not until you make it all possible. It is such a beautiful sight to see the sparkle in the children's eyes when Santa arrives, the excitement and the laughter your gifts bring to the faces of these less-fortunate children.

With everyone's help, this year's Toybox can be among the most successful. Please participate.