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Raise the flag and salute a veteran. Today, the nation pauses to celebrate Veterans Day. It was on this day in 1918 that marked the end of World War I -- the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Take time today to thank a veteran. These men and women have helped ensure the freedoms that we too often take for granted today.

We are free to participate in our democracy, speak our minds, protect ourselves, worship in the churches of our choice and mold our own futures.

Take time today to remember a veteran. Many families have an empty place at the table because a veteran paid the ultimate price for our freedom. They would appreciate our thoughts and prayers.

This kind of gratitude can't be paid on a single day. These families and the veterans who came back deserve our continuing appreciation and attention.

Take time today to teach the children about Veterans Day. They will follow our lead of respect for these incredible men and women.

Proudly display an American flag. Attend a Veterans Day ceremony. Perform a random act of kindness at the local Veterans Home or for a veteran who lives in the neighborhood. Share a smile and a pat on the back.

America is at peace today, but the contributions of veterans past and present still play a crucial role in our ability to let freedom ring.

It's a red-white-and-blue day. Take the time to thank a veteran who helped make it all possible.