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When employers start looking at candidates to fill job openings, one of the highest priorities is finding someone who has the right skills to fit the job. Over the past two years, a program called Work Keys at the Cape Girardeau Area Vocational-Technical School has provided a big assist.

Through Work Keys, potential employees are screened and evaluated based on an employer's needs. Often, special training can be acquired to improve a Work Keys participant can improve his or her chances of getting a good job.

Currently, six companies in the Cape Girardeau area are using the Work Keys program, and there are plans to expand to other fields. There is little question that both employers and new employees see benefits in the program.

A strong work force is a valuable asset for any community. Cape Girardeau's low unemployment and reputation for loyal and productive workers are evidence of the area's work ethic. Through programs like Work Keys and many others aimed at matching jobs and workers, our reputation will only get better.