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Missouri's congressional delegation is working to get more money to fight methamphetamine abuse in the state.

There's a critical need for the dollars. Missouri is second only to California in the number of meth labs busted. These clandestine labs post a real danger to communities since many of the chemicals are merely dumped into fields or streams. The materials used to make meth are also very volatile. Explosions or fires are very real possibilities.

The drug itself is extremely addictive and far from discriminating. Use is skyrocketing by both young and old from all socio-economic backgrounds. And the addiction itself is nearly impossible to break.

Missouri drug enforcement officers have been so busy busting labs that they have very little time to focus on other drugs -- which haven't gone away.

Missouri's congressional delegation are right to call for the "highest funding level possible" to fight this epidemic. Their efforts should be encouraged and applauded.

Without greater attention and dollars now, it is only a matter of time before this epidemic spreads to every other state. And then every member of Congress will personally understand the menace that is called meth.