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In keeping with its efforts to provide higher-education centers across its service region, Southeast Missouri State University is considering a center in St. Mary's of the Barrens Seminary buildings at Perryville.

The university president has discussed the matter with Perry County civic leaders and the Congregation of the Mission, the Catholic organization that owns the seminary buildings. A local committee has been formed to spearhead the project, and the committee plans to solicit private donations to hire a consultant to conduct a needs assessment. If all goes well -- including fund raising -- the center could be in operation as early as next summer.

A needs study will be done, and results of that study would be used by Southeast and Mineral Area College at Park Hills to decide on courses to offer at the center.

The university and Bootheel residents are enjoying the success of Southeast's new Malden Educational Center, and Sikeston soon will have a university center of its own. These outreach centers not only offer convenient educational opportunities but serve other roles in their communities, and a center in Perryville would be good for that region as well.