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Folks in this area are known for their generosity throughout the year. One way they give is by donating blood at various American Red Cross blood drives.

Because of demand, blood supplies in this region are very low, and the Red Cross is having to borrow blood from other areas to maintain adequate supplies at our hospitals. The Red Cross would like to have at least a two-day supply on hand, and the supply has been dipping to less than a one-day supply. This means blood supplies are dangerously low in the event of a disaster.

What can you do?

Give blood, if you are able.

The Red Cross is holding several drives. Call the American Red Cross at 339-1822 in Cape Girardeau and see if there is a time and place that would be convenient for you to give blood.

Your donations, as usual, will be greatly appreciated, both by the Red Cross and by those whose lives may be saved because of an adequate blood supply.