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A similar accomplishment has taken place up the road at McClure, Ill., where a group of citizens pooled resources to secure a public library.

More than 1,500 book titles are on the shelves of the new McClure Library in the Baptist Mission building on Market Street, and the library is sure to grow. It has been many years since McClure had its own library.

The group worked through Project Success, a program designed to provide various services in Shawnee School District. The group raised money to buy bookshelves, supplies and furnishings, found a place for the library and provided volunteers to staff it. The library hours are from 3 to 5 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays and 1 to 3 p.m. Saturdays.

The people of McClure are taking advantage of the library in their own hometown. The McClure Library is another example of what can be accomplished when people set out to get something done.

The best part is that ways were found to accomplish an important community goal without relying entirely on government to spend taxpayers' dollars. That's a good example for projects on a much larger scale.