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There are teachers who get so excited about what they are doing that students look forward to being with them. Occasionally, one of those teachers is singled out for special recognition, and that was the case with Cindy King, who has been teaching at Notre Dame High School in Cape Girardeau for more than a quarter of a century.

King will be among eight private-school educators from across Missouri to receive an Educator of Achievement award from the Missouri Council for American Private Education.

Those who know King best -- students, former students, parents and colleagues -- have high praise for her enthusiasm, particularly when it comes to Notre Dame's annual musical production. This year "The King and I" will be presented April 16-19.

The musical is considered an extracurricular activity, and it is her devotion to students beyond the confines of classrooms and class schedules for which King is being honored. For some of her students, past and present, being in one of her productions was more than just another activity. It was an experience in which to mature, to stretch old boundaries, to learn life's lessons -- all on stage in front of an audience.

Congratulations to King for her devotion and commitment to young people whose education depends on dedicated individuals. Her efforts make us proud of all teachers.