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The Salvation Army has reopened its thrift store in expanded quarters at 610 Independence.

The new quarters -- offering more than twice the space -- was long overdue. It should provide a real shot in the arm to thrift shop operations. That's important because revenues from the store provide an important source of revenue for important Salvation Army work.

The current building once houses First Wheel & Tire and Horton Sales. The Salvation Army holds a three-year lease -- plenty of time to judge to effectiveness of the new location.

The store sells used clothing, furnishings, toys, furniture, books and more. It depends on the generosity of the community. That generosity has been so bountiful in recent years that it left little space at the previous cramped quarters.

This new location offers not only more floor space, but about 2,000 square feet to sort and store merchandise. That is a blessing in itself.

This marks the fourth location for the store, which has operated more than 30 years. Hopefully, this move will be a good one for the Salvation Army's thrift store.