

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

It is no accident, of course, that the Southeast Missourian starts Random Acts of Kindness Week on Mother's Day.

For eight days, individuals, families, groups, clubs, schools, churches, cities and counties will be finding ways to do good things for one another.

Not that these people -- a record 40,000 RAK stickers have been handed out so far this year -- aren't nice people and don't do wonderfully kind things year around. They do. Of course they do.

But a special week to spotlight their kindnesses and to promote special and random goodness can't be bad, can it?

So from Caruthersville to the south to Ste. Genevieve to the north -- plus communities in Southern Illinois as well -- people will be wearing this year's RAK sticker: a bright yellow smiley face.

Throughout the week, the Southeast Missourian will be featuring amazing stories of good people. These stories will be on the front page and on special feature pages. Every day. For a whole week.

And if you want to call attention to some especially good person, please call our RAK hotline: 334-5111. Or write a letter to the editor.

You can't say too many good things about good people, can you?

Finally, a big thank you to everyone who has joined this year's RAK celebration. What special folks you are. And kind too.