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To the editor:

I am a 14-year-old junior high student. While I am not a person of high power or authority, I do have my opinions. I have heard that sometimes opinions can change quite a lot if they are listened to. So I am asking you to listen to mine.

On April 3 there was an article on abortion and how often it is brought up nowadays. I am writing this only to bring it up once more.

Abortion, to me, is like this: In our country, when a man or woman enters the home of a person he or she doesn't like, takes out a gun, holds it to the head of the person and pulls the trigger, he or she is taken to court, tried, convicted and placed in jail. However, when a woman dislikes the baby she is carrying, she may go to an abortion clinic where a doctor enters the baby's home, places a gun to its head and pulls the trigger. Then the woman is free to leave and continue her life as always.

Tell me if I am wrong. This does not seem morally correct. While it is true the mother has a choice to do what she wants, what choice does the baby have? The tiny baby has no choice whatsoever, and this is a crime above all crimes.

While our country will not allow a woman to place her live baby in a Dumpster, it will allow her to first abort the baby and then place it in a trash can. What has happened to our society? Have we forgotten one of the most important rules ever made? Thou shalt not kill.


Cape Girardeau