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The River Heritage Museum is considering a move into the proposed River Campus museum. It might be a good mix of community and university resources on a project that is a partnership between Cape Girardeau and Southeast Missouri State University.

The university is planning to transform the former St. Vincent's Seminary into a visual and performing arts school. The $36 million project would include the construction of a 20,000-square-foot museum.

The River Heritage Museum currently operates from an old fire station on Independence Street owned by the city. But museum hours are limited and sporadic. If the River Heritage Museum becomes a part of the River Campus museum, the result could be set hours that include weekends for tourists. It also might allow for more variety in museum exhibits. A changing exhibit would certainly attract more visitors.

Most of the plans for the River Campus are driven by academic needs. But this could be a great way to reach out to the community, which is helping to foot the bill through motel/hotel and restaurant tax contributions.

It has also been suggested that the new museum include a space for a visitor's center. This also could help draw more people to the beautiful River Campus property that overlooks the Mississippi River.

The university also wants to reach out with its arts programs to students in the south end of town. That is certainly an admirable goal. But the university shouldn't forget that young people from all areas of town would appreciate expanded arts opportunities. Special discounts or opportunities should not be limited to a single area. After all, the entire community passed the tax to help fund this project.

The Arts Council of Southeast Missouri also has met with the River Campus board to find ways the two programs could work together. Again, this pairing could provide greater opportunities for arts for all people in the community.

As River Campus plans move forward, it offers an exciting vision for increased arts opportunities for everyone in this region.