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It comes as no surprise that Cape Girardeau's Albert M. Spradling Jr. drew a standing ovation after addressing the Missouri Senate March 13 on the occasion of his 81st birthday anniversary.

Spradling, a Democrat who spent 25 years in the state Senate from 1952 through 1977 and served as president pro tem from 1961 through 1964, was called to Jefferson City by the current president pro tem, state Sen. Peter Kinder, for the adoption of a resolution marking his birthday. Spradling and Kinder, a Republican, are the only two Cape Girardeans to hold the top leadership post in the Senate.

Only two members of the current Senate had served with Spradling, and it had to be a treat for them to hear his robust voice again boom through the chamber.

We join in extending our congratulations to Spradling, who had a long, fruitful and distinguished Senate career.