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A legislative effort to allow Missourians to cast votes in the 14 days before any primary or general election should be carefully considered.

State Sen. Anita Yeckel, R-St. Louis, has proposed such a bill. A similar measure was approved by a House committee and awaits floor debate. Both measures propose a number of changes in the state election laws that supporters say would help the election process, but allowing votes to be cast two weeks before the election is probably the most significant change.

Yeckel raises a good point in contending that more people might vote if they weren't restricted to voting just on Election Day. Voter turnout is pathetically low in most elections, and making it more convenient to vote by voting early possibly would get more people involved.

But that convenience is expensive, and the cost to local election authorities will have to be a major consideration. Likewise, control of voting places and ballots should be spelled out, particularly in urban areas where early voting might be heavy.