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Authorities say the illegal drug Ecstasy, a form of methamphetamine that has become increasingly popular in metropolitan areas, is beginning to find its way into the area.

The drug has been likened to Prozac. Both regulate the amount of chemicals released in the brain that control sleep, appetite, body temperature and mood.

But Ecstasy releases much more serotonin more quickly. The result is a high that lasts for four to six hours, sometimes accompanied by severe dehydration and exhaustion since the desire to eat, sleep and drink are suppressed.

Even light weekend use of Ecstasy might harm intelligence, scientists have discovered, and the harm may be greater when Ecstasy is used with marijuana, they say.

There also is a false Ecstasy tablet. Known as PMA, it can raise body temperatures to 115 degrees and cook a person from the inside out.

Ecstasy is most popular among young adults, many of whom have the money to spend in search of new ways to get high. If only they would think of the dangers, which sometimes can be fatal, that come with it.