
For adults, it's not too late to learn to read

We take some things for granted. Reading, for example. Anyone reading this has obviously learned to read, but there are adults who haven’t. Statistics from the National Literacy Directory say about 36 million people in the U.S. can’t read a job application or basic instructions.

Southeast Missourian reporter Rachael Long recently wrote about a local opportunity where adults can gain literacy skills. Former Sikeston assistant superintendent Lynn Crader teaches a free reading class through the Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) program in Cape Girardeau. It’s open to anyone 17 or older.

“If you’re 40, 50, 60 years old and you haven’t learned [how to read], you probably figure you’re not going to now,” Crader told the Southeast Missourian. “But this program gives them a chance to do that and they no longer have to be embarrassed. Once you start learning to read, the whole world opens up to you.”

If you know of someone who might benefit from this program, check out the story in the Southeast Missourian or call the AEL office at (573) 334-3669. The office is at 409 N. Clark Ave. in Cape Girardeau.

Hats off to Crader and others who uses their education background to help others. It’s important and needed.
