Letter to the Editor

Understanding climate change

For many Americans, climate change has been at the forefront of urgent needs to be addressed by the government. Though many support and admit that there can be irreversible consequences if action is not taken now, many still hide behind false assumptions and stories that climate change is not real and impacting the world already. I recently read the article posted online titled “Agency says climate change imperils 60% of the Superfund sites.” It is frustrating to find that the administration still refuses to accept recommendations made by scientists to cease the escalating rise of fossil fuel emissions. The impact of this denial, especially in Superfund sites, has the potential for devastating effects on not only the environment, but people as well.

It’s important to ensure that citizens have the resources and knowledge to help push administrative action to aid in deescalating climate change. I have recently started a Citizens Climate Lobby chapter in Southeast Missouri to lobby for action against climate change and provide resources to understand how we impact the environment. I want to invite all who wish to take a stand against climate change through government action to formally join by visiting the Citizens Climate Lobby website and registering to be a member. Together, we can help our community address solutions for climate change.

HEATHER HALTER, Cape Girardeau